par janua | Déc 30, 2015 | CAS, Cloud, Communauté, Developpement, Gestion des Identités, IoT, LDAP, Open Source, Sécurité, SSO
JANUA recrute experts, architectes et intégrateurs en gestion des identités, avec en particulier une forte expérience sur les logiciels Open Source suivants : OpenAM, OpenDJ, OpenIDM. Localisation indifférente: home office plus déplacements chez les clients. Contact...
par janua | Mai 13, 2015 | Developpement, Gestion des Identités
OpenAM Java API : Retrieve LDAP Datastore credentials. When developing plugins in OpenAM, using the Java SDK API, you could need to retrieve some information from a registered LDAP datastore. But in order to do that, you have to extract the directory credentials from...
par janua | Avr 15, 2015 | Developpement, Gestion des Identités
OpenIDM and Google Apps new API : a few months ago, Google announced that as of April 20, 2015 the Provisioning API, among others, will be discontinued and replaced by the Admin SDK API. Since the deprecation period for these APIs is coming to an end, the Google...
par janua | Jan 9, 2015 | Communauté, Developpement, Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
OpenAM Custom Password Generator : I told you in a previous post about the OpenLDAP Password Policy Module which allows defining the password complexity rules by configuring an external file. OpenAM-CPG is an OpenAM reset password plugin using the same configuration...
par janua | Jan 6, 2015 | Communauté, Developpement, LDAP, Open Source, Produit
OpenLDAP Password Policy Module: the password policy overlay in OpenLDAP provides the option for calling an external module to check the passwords complexity requirements. We modified this custom module in order to implement Active Directory compatibility. This open...
par janua | Déc 30, 2014 | Developpement, LDAP, Open Source, Produit
White Pages by Janua offers an highly customizable, easy to configure and deploy web interface/web app. White Pages by Janua allows users to access an LDAP directory from a desktop computer, a laptop, or even from a tablet or smartphone. It can also be incorporated on...