par janua | Sep 25, 2014 | Gestion des Identités, Provisioning, Sécurité
In a production environment, enabling SSL between OpenIDM and .NET Connector Server is highly recommended. To do so, we configure SSL on both sides as following : 1 ) .Net Connector Server side – Enable SSL by editing ConnectorServer.exe.config file : <add...
par janua | Août 28, 2014 | Gestion des Identités, Produit, Provisioning
I recently had to migrate an OpenIDM 2.1 projet to version 3.0. I mostly worked on pre-released 3.0 versions, and it was the opportunity for some documentation and bug reports. Now that OpenIDM 3.0 final is released, paths to migrate are clearer, in spite...
par janua | Août 27, 2014 | Formation, Produit, Provisioning
Agenda de formation OpenIDM en langue française : Agenda formation OpenIdm from Pascal Flamand