This article will share how to enrich native metrics in Keycloak with Micrometer and add yours.

Special thanks

Thanks to all contributors who built one of the most use Keycloak plugin :


We developed a new metrics plugin for Keycloak based on aerogear implementation that enrich Keycloak native metrics.

Available on Github :


Keycloak has now native metrics available through a feature flag at launch : --metrics-enabled=true

It exposes a /metrics endpoint on port 9000 thanks to Management interface .

A community plugin adds custom metrics (logins, registration etc…) and also http statistics. This plugin is an event listener with a custom endpoint (RealmResource).

Now with openmetrics available in Keycloak, we see how we can add our own metrics to the native management interface and avoid multiplying metrics endpoints with a simpler plugin.



import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;

private class MyClass {

    // get a meter registry
    private final MeterRegistry meterRegistry = Metrics.globalRegistry;

    // push a new metric
    public void recordGoogleLogin() {
        meterRegistry.counter("keycloak_login_attempts", "master", "Google", "security-admin-console").increment();

A counter (in this use case) has multiple tags and after increment is directly accessible through /metrics endpoint.

We also have :

  • timers
  • summaries
  • gauge

New metrics plugin

Thanks to all contributors on, we think it is time to rebuild it by using those native metrics and simplifying it a lot.

With exactly the same structure, instead of building a custom « PrometheusExporter » object, we push our own metrics to a MeterRegistry.

All events are caught from an « EventListener », so you have to register it in order to enable it.

We also removed all http metrics, Keycloak already provides them and also histograms : --http-metrics-histograms-enabled=true

TIP : caches metrics are also here ! Histograms enabled with : --cache-metrics-histograms-enabled=true

Go further

With this object « MeterRegistry » available everywhere in Keycloak, you are not limited now with custom events. You can easily monitor your own UserFederation or custom authenticator … every code you put in Keycloak has access to metrics, like you have logs.

Les derniers articles par Mathieu PASSENAUD (tout voir)