par janua | Juin 20, 2018 | Gestion des Identités, Open Source
This paper describes how to leverage Keycloak/RH-SSO in a microservice SAAS Architecture. 1) SAAS: Software as a Service with KeyCloak All Saas Applications are registered within keycloak as client service using confidential mode. A Saas application can be...
par janua | Avr 30, 2018 | Gestion des Identités, LDAP
Oracle has announced that ODSEE shall be EOLed in 2019. Why not considering Migrating from ODSEE to OpenDJ-WrenDS. According to Oracle roadmap, ODSEE replacement is OUD (Oracle Unified Directory). But do you know that OUD and OpenDJ both originates from Sun OpenDS...
par janua | Avr 16, 2018 | Gestion des Identités, SSO
In this article we will share with you our understanding of oauth2 bearer token usage with RedHat SSO Keycloak. 1. Overview Access Token are defined by RFC 6750, and are of type Bearer Token. Access Tokens are used to access to the content of a resource according to...
par janua | Avr 9, 2018 | Communauté, Gestion des Identités, SSO
In this article we will try to understand the difference between client ID-Client secret and signed JWT authentication Scheme in RedHat SSO (aka Keycloak). 1) Presentation When dealing with Oauth2/openID RH-SSO provides 3 possible authentication schemes which are:...