par janua | Mar 21, 2019 | Gestion des Identités, Open Source, SSO
In this article, we will share how to using apache2 mod_auth_openidc module with Keycloak (OpenID Connect) 1) Presentation The usage of the apache2 mod_auth_openidc module is to act as RP (Relying Party) when discussing with OP (OpenID connect Provider). The apache2...
par janua | Mar 20, 2019 | Gestion des Identités, Open Source, SSO
In this article are exposed some of the key concepts protecting a Keycloak RedHat SSO with a reverse proxy in production. Protecting the keycloak server is crucial. Keycloak server should not be visible from the outside 1) Why adding a reverse proxy The goal of the...
par janua | Fév 25, 2019 | Communauté, Open Source, SSO
In this article, Janua’s CTO shares tips and tricks about understanding Keycloak user Federation 1 Understanding Keycloak user Federation 1.1 Overview Keycloak comes up with a user storage SPI. By default Keycloak comes with 3 different user storage federation...
par janua | Fév 19, 2019 | Gestion des Identités, SSO
In this article we share examples of offline token usage in Keycloak. As mentioned previously, it is possible to generate offline either through direct access grant or authorization code flow. Both way are going to be illustrated in this chapter Using offline Token...
par janua | Fév 19, 2019 | Gestion des Identités, SSO
In this article Janua’s CTO shares tips and tricks about understanding token usage in Keycloak Keycloak Token lifecycle is described at: Token Lifecycle Token lifecycle is defined on a per...