par janua | Mar 26, 2015 | Communauté, Open Source, Sécurité, SSO
This is a simple demo showing a mobile application, in this case running in an iPhone simulator, interacting with ForgeRock OpenAM 12.0 REST API’s. A basic session token interaction is demonstrated along with demonstration and discussion on how authorization deci...
par janua | Fév 5, 2015 | Communauté, Gestion des Identités, Open Source, Sécurité, SSO
OpenAM security is a serious matter, especially when this software has a critical role in your architecture, which is often the case. So here are some advices to avoid OpenAM security holes. 1 – OpenAM lower layers security To avoid security flaws in your OpenAM...
par janua | Jan 9, 2015 | Communauté, Developpement, Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
OpenAM Custom Password Generator : I told you in a previous post about the OpenLDAP Password Policy Module which allows defining the password complexity rules by configuring an external file. OpenAM-CPG is an OpenAM reset password plugin using the same configuration...
par janua | Déc 18, 2014 | Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
OpenAM 12 fixes a number of issues, and provides the following additional features. source: Major New Features New Features for Users User Self-ServiceOpenAM supports self-service user registration, device management and password reset – reducing costs and...
par janua | Nov 12, 2014 | Documents, Gestion des Identités, IoT
Security in the Internet of Things (IoT). How Identity Management can help to alleviate the pain and reduce the impact of security breaches.