par janua | Sep 14, 2016 | Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
This article describes how to install an Apache web policy agent for OpenAM. The components used are: Apache 2.4 OpenAM 12 OpenAM Web policy agent 4.01 Below are described all the different steps to be achieve this. 1) Installation of an apache 2.4 server source...
par janua | Sep 12, 2016 | Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
Why using Oauth2-openID Connect for mobile apps ? Quite often mobile applications tend to store the user credentials to connect to the application on the mobile device itself. What if your mobile get lost or stolen ? It means that one that anybody could access...
par janua | Sep 9, 2016 | Communauté, Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
This article describes how to use authorization code grant type with OpenAM. Authorization code is the most secured grant when providing Oauth2 connection, as the access token is not stored within your browser. On openam the authorization code has been made 1H to...
par janua | Sep 9, 2016 | Communauté, Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
Refresh token lifecycle in OpenAM could be very tricky, not easy to understand and implement. So that we share in this document our experiences. 1. Description Refresh Token is a feature provided with Oauth2 Authorization code or Resource Owner Password Credentials...
par janua | Avr 14, 2016 | Communauté, Gestion des Identités, SSO
Saving OAuth2 consent: when configured as an OAuth2 service provider, OpenAM is capable of saving the user’s consent. This prevent the resource owner from having to validate the authorization consent each time for the same client and scopes. To save OAuth2...