You know that blue “Share” button in Google Apps? Ever wanted to add a feature like that to your own app or API ecosystem? The UMA protocol enables you to do just that. Source : User-Managed Access (UMA) is an OAuth-based protocol that...

What’s new in OpenAM 12

OpenAM 12 fixes a number of issues, and provides the following additional features. source: Major New Features New Features for Users User Self-ServiceOpenAM supports self-service user registration, device management and password reset – reducing costs and...

Identity Management in the IoT

Identity Management in the IoT (Internet of  things). IoT is more like an umbrella term that encompasses different architectures where for example things can talk to each other, talk to a computer sitting at home or in the cloud, to a proxy or mobile phone or even to...


A new security issue hit the streets this week: the Poodle SSL bug. While the vulnerability is mostly triggered by the client, it’s also possible to prevent attack by disabling the use of SSLv3 all together on the server side, eg. OpenDJ. from Ludovic Poitou blog...