par janua | Nov 21, 2018 | SSO
In this section is presented how to using eclipse to debug Keycloak SPI code. The example used is the eventListener described in a previous article. Requirements You need to have eclipse installed You need to have compiled the keycloak source distribution (cf before)...
par janua | Août 17, 2018 | Sécurité, SSO
Securing apps and services with Keycloak: a great video, thanks to Redhat developpers ! If you have a number of applications and services, the applications may be HTML5, server-side, or mobile, while the services may be monolithic or microservices, deployed...
par janua | Juil 10, 2018 | Communauté, SSO
1. Presentation: Architectural principles with Keycloak Redhat SSO The goal of this paper is to present how it is possible to architect a SSO-LDAP-Identity Manager infrastructure with Keycloak-Redhat SSO. Keycloak-RedHatSSO allows to register applications which...
par janua | Juin 20, 2018 | Gestion des Identités, Open Source
This paper describes how to leverage Keycloak/RH-SSO in a microservice SAAS Architecture. 1) SAAS: Software as a Service with KeyCloak All Saas Applications are registered within keycloak as client service using confidential mode. A Saas application can be...
par janua | Mai 16, 2018 | Gestion des Identités, Open Source, SSO
Howto Docker with Keycloak : In this article Janua’s CTO share tips and tricks about intégrating KeyCloak with Docker. 1) Overview The goal of this article is to showcase how it is possible to deploy very quickly keycloak examples with docker. 2) Requirements...