par janua | Nov 25, 2016 | Communauté, Sécurité, SSO
In this Oauth2 and OpenID Connect presentation we will talk about : ● OIDC concepts ● OIDC flows ● Using OIDC with refresh token ● OIDC OpenAM use case example Oauth2 and OpenID Connect
par janua | Nov 2, 2016 | Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
In this article are displayed various tips and tricks to help and understand how to debugging OpenAM Sessions. 1) Maximum of openAM session reached When maximum of openAM session is reached an error message SESSION_MAX_LIMIT_REACHED is reached in :...
par janua | Oct 14, 2016 | Gestion des Identités, Open Source, Sécurité, SSO
It can occur that you cannot connect to openAM administration console ? So what ? You may use Wireshark to test OpenAM connection. You need to understand where the origin of the discrepancy is coming from. The best way to troubleshoot it is to use wireshark which is...
par janua | Sep 14, 2016 | Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
This article describes how to install an Apache web policy agent for OpenAM. The components used are: Apache 2.4 OpenAM 12 OpenAM Web policy agent 4.01 Below are described all the different steps to be achieve this. 1) Installation of an apache 2.4 server source...
par janua | Sep 12, 2016 | Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
Why using Oauth2-openID Connect for mobile apps ? Quite often mobile applications tend to store the user credentials to connect to the application on the mobile device itself. What if your mobile get lost or stolen ? It means that one that anybody could access...