par janua | Nov 21, 2018 | SSO
In this section is presented how to using eclipse to debug Keycloak SPI code. The example used is the eventListener described in a previous article. Requirements You need to have eclipse installed You need to have compiled the keycloak source distribution (cf before)...
par janua | Nov 16, 2018 | Gestion des Identités, SSO
In this article, we will share how to parameter RedHat SSO Keycloak SPI adding a custom Event Listener module 1. Presentation The goal of this article is to showcase the usage of SPI usage with keycloak. For this, it is illustrated with a very simple SPI example...
par janua | Août 17, 2018 | Sécurité, SSO
Securing apps and services with Keycloak: a great video, thanks to Redhat developpers ! If you have a number of applications and services, the applications may be HTML5, server-side, or mobile, while the services may be monolithic or microservices, deployed...
par janua | Juil 10, 2018 | Communauté, SSO
1. Presentation: Architectural principles with Keycloak Redhat SSO The goal of this paper is to present how it is possible to architect a SSO-LDAP-Identity Manager infrastructure with Keycloak-Redhat SSO. Keycloak-RedHatSSO allows to register applications which...
par janua | Juin 20, 2018 | Gestion des Identités, Open Source
This paper describes how to leverage Keycloak/RH-SSO in a microservice SAAS Architecture. 1) SAAS: Software as a Service with KeyCloak All Saas Applications are registered within keycloak as client service using confidential mode. A Saas application can be...