par Mathieu PASSENAUD | Jan 5, 2022 | Communauté, Gestion des Identités, SSO
Keycloak.X will become the reference soon. According to the Keycloak Blogpost, Keycloak 18 will not support Wildfly, after that no wildfly version… Now it is time to migrate! We are still waiting for a Kubernetes operator with Keycloak.X, in this post we will...
par Mathieu PASSENAUD | Août 13, 2021 | Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
UMA 2.0 is known as a delegation of authorizations standard but could be sometimes tricky and unclear. Keycloak is fully compatible with UMA 2.0. With a tool developped by our partner, let’s see how to use Keycloak and UMA 2.0 with bash. This...
par janua | Juin 8, 2021 | Gestion des Identités, Sécurité, SSO
We receive numerous inquiries about sizing Keycloak or Redhat SSO projects and installation. Nicolas Massé, solution architect from Redhat did a great job and wrote a usefull article to answer this recurrent question :...
par janua | Jan 28, 2021 | Cloud, Communauté, SSO
December 16 2020 Keycloak Team Introduce Keycloak.X Distribution. The world is changing fast and IT has been an important part of the engine. As companies start moving their infrastructure to the cloud, security becomes a key factor to make this journey a success....
par Loïc Mercier Des Rochettes | Jan 28, 2021 | Gestion des Identités, SSO
Action Token in Keycloak could be very useful but tricky to implement. You may find below an article from our partner Please Open It about it’s implementation and use cases. What is an action token ? Action tokens are a particular type of token meant to allow...